GAIA is our Living Earth. Sophia is Wisdom.
These "intentional nature immersions" were conceived from the deep knowing that the Healing of this Planet is directly related to:
the Healing of ourselves & Reconnecting to Nature- our greatest teacher and ally.
Each and every moment of our lives, we are supported by the elements of nature.
Living in these fast-paced, materialist, ego-based societal constructs, we have become very disconnected-
and we suffer greatly from this disconnection.
Stress...Anxiety...Depression...Fatigue...Mental/Emotional Imbalances...
are some of the all too common ailments affecting our society at large.
For hundreds of thousands of years, humans lived in close relationship with nature, attuned to its cycles, rhythms and inherent wisdom and intelligence. In the last few centuries, human life has changed drastically with the proliferation of science and technology, based on an underlying dualistic and materialist mindset, which has influenced humanity's values in a grave way. Our technological devices have us in a trance: We have "the world at our fingertips" yet what has happened to our connection to and with the Earth?
We have forgotten our roots.
We have forgotten our inherent connection with all of life.
Its not that life belongs to us- its that we belong to life.
Indigenous people around the world still carry this wisdom- however their existence is also in peril.
Humanity is at a crossroads in our existence. Our disconnection from Nature has resulted in the tragic destruction of it.
A healthy economy has been valued over a healthy ecology, for long enough now that the biodiversity of this planet is in peril.
Much of humanity has lost trust in our natural intelligence to solve our problems,
to the point that we are ready to put our trust in "artificial" intelligence.
Where can we find hope for our world in these times?
How can we feel a sense of purpose and belonging to this world?
Sometimes it we need to s l o w d o w n and take time to contemplate, integrate and elevate
in order to appreciate, re-calibrate and motivate a new way of being-
one that is aligned with purpose, grounded and inspired to be a better human for this earth.
And that is what Gaia Sophia Retreat is all about:
Communing with kindred spirits that share the desire to "unplug" from society for a few days,
and tap into the beauty, wisdom and awesome power of Gaia, our living earth.
Free from computers and other electronic devices. NO WIFI.
This is a beautiful opportunity for a "digital detox":
Walking and sleeping upon the earth and attuning to Earth's frequency.
Listening to the birds, to the ocean, to the wind through the trees.
Breathing in the fresh cool air. Experiencing the peace of the forest.
“And into the forest I go, to lose my mind and find my soul.” – John Muir
A healthy economy has been valued over a healthy ecology, for long enough now that the biodiversity of this planet is in peril.
Much of humanity has lost trust in our natural intelligence to solve our problems,
to the point that we are ready to put our trust in "artificial" intelligence.
Where can we find hope for our world in these times?
How can we feel a sense of purpose and belonging to this world?
Sometimes it we need to s l o w d o w n and take time to contemplate, integrate and elevate
in order to appreciate, re-calibrate and motivate a new way of being-
one that is aligned with purpose, grounded and inspired to be a better human for this earth.
And that is what Gaia Sophia Retreat is all about:
Communing with kindred spirits that share the desire to "unplug" from society for a few days,
and tap into the beauty, wisdom and awesome power of Gaia, our living earth.
Free from computers and other electronic devices. NO WIFI.
This is a beautiful opportunity for a "digital detox":
Walking and sleeping upon the earth and attuning to Earth's frequency.
Listening to the birds, to the ocean, to the wind through the trees.
Breathing in the fresh cool air. Experiencing the peace of the forest.
“And into the forest I go, to lose my mind and find my soul.” – John Muir
"After you have exhausted what there is in business, politics, conviviality, and so on - and have found that none of these finally satisfy, or permanently wear - what remains? Nature remains." - Walt Whitman
Elements of this Retreat
Earth Magic & Ceremony
To honor and offer our gratitude, praise and prayers for Gaia and all the elements that support our lives to flourish
and to create a sacred ceremonial container that will nourish and empower our beings.
Daily Sacred Circle/Council
To share, connect and reflect our human experience. To witness and be witnessed
and to cultivate our conscious communication skills.
Visionary Song Weaving
A creative process of tapping into our creative source and trusting our inner knowing
to bring through the healing songs of self/Gaia.
Visioning/Storytelling/Folklore & Singing around the camp fire
To enrich our souls with myths, stories and ancestral wisdom sharing.
Nature Contemplation
Precious quiet time to meditate on the beauty of nature and to receive direct teachings of wisdom.
We will be on the coast with access to a huge beautiful beach (Agate Beach) as well as many coves and tide pools.
Plant Medicine
To commune with our healing plant (and fungi) allies and increase awareness of our natural healing capacities.
We will be learning from and teaching each other about the qualities of a selection of healing plants, as well as how to craft our very own healing herbal botanicals. We will also be learning about the wonderful plants that are all around us at the site.
EFT/Tapping- Emotional Freedom Technique
To assist us in re-attuning our frequency with the Earth, to process emotions and align with our inner truth and power.
Intentional & Communal Food preparation and ingestion
With all local, organic, healthy plant based meals. Nothing processed or artificial (heaven's no!).
To honor and offer our gratitude, praise and prayers for Gaia and all the elements that support our lives to flourish
and to create a sacred ceremonial container that will nourish and empower our beings.
Daily Sacred Circle/Council
To share, connect and reflect our human experience. To witness and be witnessed
and to cultivate our conscious communication skills.
Visionary Song Weaving
A creative process of tapping into our creative source and trusting our inner knowing
to bring through the healing songs of self/Gaia.
Visioning/Storytelling/Folklore & Singing around the camp fire
To enrich our souls with myths, stories and ancestral wisdom sharing.
Nature Contemplation
Precious quiet time to meditate on the beauty of nature and to receive direct teachings of wisdom.
We will be on the coast with access to a huge beautiful beach (Agate Beach) as well as many coves and tide pools.
Plant Medicine
To commune with our healing plant (and fungi) allies and increase awareness of our natural healing capacities.
We will be learning from and teaching each other about the qualities of a selection of healing plants, as well as how to craft our very own healing herbal botanicals. We will also be learning about the wonderful plants that are all around us at the site.
EFT/Tapping- Emotional Freedom Technique
To assist us in re-attuning our frequency with the Earth, to process emotions and align with our inner truth and power.
Intentional & Communal Food preparation and ingestion
With all local, organic, healthy plant based meals. Nothing processed or artificial (heaven's no!).
All photos on this site are my own photos, taken in the area where this retreat will be held.
“Nature holds the key to our aesthetic, intellectual, cognitive and even spiritual satisfaction.” – E.O. Wilson
Hmmm...You must still be interested if you have read this far...
and the following details should help you know if this retreat is a YES for you or a YIKES! (or maybe both!?)
and the following details should help you know if this retreat is a YES for you or a YIKES! (or maybe both!?)
- This "retreat" will be a small intimate group of no more than 13 individuals. I believe in quality over quantity and I really like the number 13 (13 moon cycles in an Earth year).
- This retreat is not for the "high maintenance" type-We will be camping, so that we can be as close to nature as possible but still stay warm and safe. You will need to provide your own tent & bedding materials, plate, bowl, cup, utensils, and toiletries. YES there are bathrooms and drinking water on site!
- Daily food/drink provisions are provided as follows: morning beverages/elixirs, mid-day light "raw" meal and night-time nourishing soups. You can bring your own favorite snacks if you wish, such as fruit, veggies, nuts, etc.
- Location is at a gorgeous camp ground in Trinidad, California, located in one of the most scenic coastal areas Humboldt county. This is approximately 5 hours driving time to/from San Francisco.
- The Summer dates are to be announced.
- Cost for this lovingly crafted, 3 nights/4 days GAIA SOPHIA experience: $444.